Our Domiciliary Care Services are designed with the individual in mind. We design every care and support plan considering the individual wishes, characters, likes, dislikes and interests to ensure the highest degree of care for all individuals.
Care and support is offered in the comfort of your home and can run from a couple of minutes a day to full time Live In Care.
We are here to help you decide how much care you need, for how long and how much help you need. We aim to deliver high quality Domiciliary Care Services to enable people to live within their own home and community while preserving maximum independence and quality of life.
Our services are and respond to the changing needs and requirements of the service user.

Our staff will support you with the following tasks to promote the hygiene, comfort, well-being;
- Personal care tasks.
- General household tasks.
- Assisting with getting up and dressed or undressed and going to bed.
- Assisting to have a wash, shower or bath including washing of hair, shaving and oral hygiene.
- Assisting with toileting and maintenance of continence
- Assisting with mobility, lifting and transferring.
- Assisting with eating food and taking a drink.
- Assisting with the preparation and cooking of meals, snacks and drinks.
- Assisting with medication and prompting medication.
- Accompanying to the shops, or going shopping.
- Attending medical appointments and collecting prescriptions.