Our Supported Living Service provides accommodation and support to individuals with a variety of support needs. Support is flexible and is tailored to the individual’s needs.
We aim to treat every person accessing our Supported Living service as individuals and promote their dignity, individuality, identity, privacy and independence.
We aim to assist service users with everyday living tasks to ensure that they are equipped with skills which will help them go through life living by themselves.
Staff will be available to keep the service users safe while promoting their independence and opportunities for successful living.
Services users are involved in all decisions that relate to their care to allow them to take control of their future.
Our services are responsive and will be adapted as to the changing needs of the service users.

Our Supported Living Services aims to
- Protect service users safe from harm
- Promote inclusion and belonging
- Promote independence and resilience
- Promote good emotional, mental and physical health
- Promote emotional and behavioural development
- Promote health and wellbeing
- Develop positive relationships
- Support with education, training and employment
- Support service users with practical and other skills for independent living
Our Accommodation
We provide clean, secure, good quality accommodation for our service users.
This resembles a homely environment with communal spaces to socialise and interact with other service users.
Service Users are supported with;
- Finding suitable affordable accommodation
- Managing finances and bills
- Shopping and meal planning
- Accessing and maintaining education, training and work opportunities
- Improving employability
- Supporting positive relationships
- Promoting access to local leisure activities
- Reducing substance and alcohol misuse
- Reducing offending behaviour
- Registering and accessing health-related support through GP/dentist/opticians
- Supporting to manage mental health conditions and physical health issues
- Promoting personal safety and reducing risk taking behaviours
- Claiming benefits